
    Schwarz Fellowship for Research on Urban Design Architecture

    The reflection of an office building on the facade of another total-glass building across. The remaining glass area looks blue from the reflection of the sky.

    Athens, photo: shutterstock

    07.01 — 30.04.2021
    Athens, Greece

    The funding of two fellowships announced by the Schwarz Foundation in 2021. These fellowships are for recent PhD graduates who are at an early stage of their career and wish to conduct research on a theme related to the collections of the Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

    The Schwarz Fellowship for Research on Urban Design Architecture supports innovative and cross-disciplinary research on architecture, urban planning, and the history of the built environment in Greece from 1821 to the present.

    Eligible fields of Study: Includes Architectural and Urban Design, History of Architecture, History of the City, Historical Geography, Contemporary Art and related fields. Projects should incorporate the holdings of the Gennadius Library (maps, topographical plans, landscapes etc.) and other appropriate resources of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

    Gennadius Library

    The Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens is a leading research center for the study of the culture and civilization of Greece. With more than 145.000 rare books, archives, manuscripts, and research materials, the collections shed light on all periods of Greek history. Through public lectures, seminars, symposia, exhibitions, and publications, the Library aims to reach a broader public in order to highlight the importance of Greek culture in the formation of western civilization. Every year, since 2015 and in collaboration with the Schwarz Foundation, the Gennadius Library hosts concerts of the Curtis Institute of Music and since 2021 it also hosts two Schwarz Fellowships for Research on Music and Urban Architecture.

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